Friday, May 13, 2011

Can you have it both ways?

An old closer

I have read a lot of finish hardware specifications and written a fair amount of finish hardware schedules in my 16 years in this industry.  I have always been curious why some spec writers use the word closure and some closer.  Personally I have always used closer probably since that is the term the manufacturers call their devices and that is what I sell.   Recently I came across a spec that used closure and decided to do a bit of investigating.

To the dictionary…..

  Closure..noun…1.  the act of closing  2. The state of being closed  3.  Something that closes shut.

  Closer …noun    1.  A person or thing that closes.

Based on those definitions I interpret that the actual device is a closer but the physical action is closure.  But wouldn’t that make closure a verb? Based on my interpretation I would assume (yes I used the word) that if the specification was written in the long format using closure would be appropriate but if listing out each individual hardware item closer should be used.

Now this is Friday and my brain is a little fried from the week and let’s face it grammar isn’t my strong suit, so please feel free to correct me in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Closure is not a verb because it is a noun that refers to the "act of closing", the "state of being closed" or is "something that closes shut" - it's been too long since school, so I don't know the technical, proper grammatical way, but it's an action noun. Like death. Death is a noun, but dying is a verb.
